We offer a high quality and effective Chiropractic treatments
Those seeking help and advice include both young and older people, manual workers, office professionals, pregnant women, children and people who do sport.
Chiropractors treat a wide variety of conditions, including: back, neck or joint pain and conditions arising from sports injury. They also treat headaches caused by neck problems, as well as helping patients with migraine prevention.
At Ibn Sina we are focused on helping our community achieve their optimal lifestyle through Chiropractic care that is designed to get you well, and keep you well. Our treatment protocols are specifically designed to help your body heal naturally, stabilize and prevent future problems and ultimately preserve your long-term mobility — so you can Live and Move Well for the rest of your life.

Our dedicated Doctor and the staff at Ibn Sina have a genuine concern for your well-being and good health! Call us today for a consultation or an appointment and we can determine if Chiropractic care is likely to help your condition. Our treatments are personalized for each patient which enables our good outcomes.